Solar Subsidy in India

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular in India, yet the high upfront costs of installing solar systems remain a barrier for many. The good news is that central and state governments offer attractive solar subsidies to make solar more affordable. In this article, we will provide an overview of the key government solar subsidy schemes available across different states in India.

After extensive research and discussions with solar industry experts, We, Prefuel Energy found answers to some common questions homeowners and businesses have about availing solar subsidies:


Who can avail of the solar subsidy in India?

How much subsidy is available in India for installing Solar Systems?

The Indian government provides subsidies at both the central and state level to promote solar energy adoption. As per the table, the MNRE provides 40% subsidy for rooftop solar systems up to 3 kW capacity, 20% for 3-10 kW systems, 70% for solar agricultural pumps, and 60% for off-grid installations in rural areas.  

Solar System Type Subsidy Rate
Rooftop Solar (up to 3 kW) 40% subsidy from MNRE
Rooftop Solar (3-10 kW) 20% subsidy from MNRE
Solar Pumps 70% subsidy from MNRE
Off-grid Solar 60% subsidy from MNRE

Additionally, many states offer subsidies over and above the MNRE rates, ranging from 20% to 75% depending on the region, end-use and system size. Subsidies are available only through approved vendors and help reduce the upfront capital cost of installing solar power systems across residential, commercial and agricultural segments.

How to apply for a solar subsidy?

When will you get the Solar Subsidy?

Old and New Solar Subsidy Pattern

The Indian government has revised the solar subsidy structure under the National Solar Mission. As per the old pattern, a flat 30% subsidy was available for all rooftop solar systems. This has been changed to 40% for systems below 3 kW and 20% for 3-10 kW systems to better target small households.

Solar Subsidy Old Pattern New Pattern
Rooftop Solar 30% subsidy for all system sizes 40% for <3 kW, 20% for 3-10 kW
Solar Pumps 55% subsidy 70% subsidy
Off-grid Solar 90% subsidy in special category states, 60% in others Standardized 60% subsidy
State Subsidies Varied widely, some states no subsidy Most states now offer additional subsidies

The standard subsidy for off-grid solar projects has been fixed at 60% versus the earlier differentiation between special category states. Most significantly, more states have now started providing additional subsidies taking the total subsidy amount to 50-75% in certain cases. The new pattern aims to expand rooftop solar adoption in the residential segment and boost off-grid penetration in remote villages.

Solar Panel System Subsidy in Uttar Pradesh

Solar Panel System Subsidy in Uttar Pradesh

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