
Sustainable Energy for Sustainable Future

Solar Battery

Solar Battery

solar batteries store energy generated by your panels for use when you actually need it. Solar batteries are an alternative (or addition to) feeding energy back to the grid and can help you make your house or facility somewhat immune from power outages and even help take it off-grid entirely.

Benefits of Our Solar Panels

Energy Security

Solar battery systems allow your home to be more resilient when it comes to energy. On cloudy days or days when your system doesn’t produce as much power as usual, you can pull from the batteries instead of the grid.

Reduced Electric Bills

ack up your home with a battery system and you’ll avoid the fees associated with electricity retailers, create self-sufficiency, and save the electricity you generate.

Reduce Your Home’s Carbon Footprint

solar energy systems create much less pollution than traditional fossil fuels, and can help a home consume fewer resources in the years to come.

Features of Our Solar Panels

Increase Your Savings

By drawing power from your solar battery, you can still use the more affordable electricity that your solar panels produce, even at night or during a storm.

Better For The Environment

By increasing the energy-producing potential of your solar PV system, you can reduce your fossil fuel usage even more

Energy Independence

Solar energy storage technology enables you to have more control over where your energy comes from, how it gets used, and what you can do with it.

Types of Our Solar Batteries we Install

There are four types of solar batteries: lead-acid, lithium-ion, nickel cadmium, and flow batteries. The most popular home solar batteries are lithium-ion. Lithium-ion batteries can come as AC or DC coupled. AC-coupled batteries can be connected to existing solar panel systems, while DC-coupled batteries are most suited for being installed at the same time as solar panels.

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Lead acid batteries

Lead acid batteries

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Lithium ion batteries

Lithium ion batteries

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Nickel based batteries

Nickel based batteries

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Nickel based batteries

Solar System with Net Metering & without Battery Backup

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Lead acid batteries

Inexpensive and mature technology, but heavy and lower energy density. Often used in off-grid solar systems.

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Lithium ion batteries

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are widely used for various applications due to their unique features and advantages

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ

A solar battery stores excess energy generated by your solar panels, allowing you to use it when the sun isn’t shining. It’s an essential component for off-grid or self-sufficient solar systems.

  • Gain energy independence: Use stored solar power even at night or during outages.
  • Maximize solar usage: Avoid excess energy going to the grid and potentially losing value.
  • Increase self-reliance: Less dependence on the electricity grid for your energy needs.
  • Higher initial cost: Batteries significantly add to the overall system expense.
  • Limited lifespan: Batteries degrade over time and need replacement, typically every 5-15 years.
  • Maintenance needs: Regular monitoring and occasional maintenance might be required.
  • Lead-acid: Affordable but less efficient and have shorter lifespans.
  • Lithium-ion: Most common, offer high efficiency and longer lifespan but cost more.
  • Flow batteries: Emerging technology with longer lifespans, but complex and expensive.

Costs vary widely depending on size, technology, and brand. Expect to pay from ₹10,000 per kWh to ₹25,000 per kWh or more.

Depends on your energy consumption, desired backup time, and solar panel system size. Consider consulting a solar installer for accurate estimation.

Yes, it’s possible but requires specific equipment and interconnection approval from your utility company.

Regular monitoring of voltage and temperature is crucial. Avoid extreme temperatures and follow manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance.

Yes, government schemes offer subsidies ranging from 30% to 75% on battery costs. However, eligibility criteria and subsidy amounts vary.

Depends on factors like electricity costs, potential savings, and future energy prices. Analyze your situation and consider payback periods before making a decision.

Net metering allows selling excess solar energy back to the grid, reducing dependence on batteries. However, grid dependence and potential changes in net metering policies are factors to consider.

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