Commercial Solar Systems in Bareilly Cost?

Going solar makes financial and environmental sense for many businesses today. With solar panel and battery prices having fallen dramatically over the last decade, solar power is now cheaper than grid electricity for commercial operations in most parts of India, including Bareilly. The sun is free, and solar systems can provide your business with decades of free electricity once installed.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about installing a commercial solar system for your business in Bareilly from Prefuel Energy. We’ll look at the costs, benefits, available subsidies, the permitting process, and the top solar installation companies to get quotes from. Let’s dive in!

How Much Do Commercial Solar in Bareilly Cost?

The costs of a commercial solar system in Bareilly depends on the size of the system and specifications of the components used. Here are some average costs:

Commercial Solar Systems in Bareilly Cost?
  • For a 10 kW solar system – Rs. 6 lakh to Rs. 7 lakh
  • For a 50 kW solar system – Rs. 22 lakh to Rs. 28 lakh
  • For a 100 kW solar system – Rs. 45 lakh to Rs. 55 lakh
  • For a 500 kW solar system – Rs. 2 crore to Rs. 2.4 crore

The main factors that affect solar system costs are the types of panels and inverters used, roofing requirements, and the complexity of the electrical work needed. High-efficiency mono PERC solar panels and string inverters tend to increase costs but also boost the system performance.

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To get an accurate idea for your business’ needs, it’s best to get quotes Best solar installers in Bareilly. We’ll cover the top companies to consider later in this article.

What Are the Benefits of commercial solar in bareilly Businesses?

Installing a commercial solar system in Bareilly provides the following benefits:

Commercial Solar Systems in Bareilly Cost?
  • Lower and predictable electricity bills for decades. Solar can cut your business’ monthly utility bills by 50% to 90%.
  • Hedge against rising electricity prices. The cost of solar power is fixed for 25+ years once installed.
  • Improved sustainability profile. Reduce your business’ carbon footprint.
  • Increased property value. Solar increases your building’s worth.
  • Revenue from net metering credits. You can sell surplus solar power back to the grid.
  • Government incentives. Avail of subsidies and accelerated depreciation.
  • Backup power during outages. Add batteries to enable power backup.

For most commercial premises, the monthly savings from solar outweigh the installation costs over the system’s lifetime, providing an excellent return on investment.

What Solar Incentives Are Available for Bareilly Businesses?

The Indian government offers various subsidies and tax benefits to encourage commercial solar adoption, which can improve your project’s return on investment. Here are the main solar incentives available:

  • Accelerated depreciation: Claim 40% depreciation on solar project costs in the first year.
  • Capital subsidies: Under MNRE schemes, get up to 30% subsidies for off-grid solar projects.
  • Net metering: Surplus solar power exported to the grid gets credited, which you can deduct from future bills.
  • Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Earn tradeable RECs for the green power you generate.

It’s advisable to consult prefuel solar project expert who can assist you in availing the relevant incentives, including applying for MNRE capital subsidies. The right expertise can help maximize your project’s value.

How Much Roof Space Do You Need for Commercial Solar in Bareilly?

A key consideration for installing a solar PV system is having sufficient shadow-free roof space facing south, southeast or southwest. Other than the roof, solar can also be set up on open ground, covered parking areas or solar carports.

Here are the approximate roof space requirements for different system sizes:

  • 10 kW solar system – 800 to 1,000 sqft roof space
  • 50 kW solar system – 4,000 to 5,000 sqft
  • 100 kW solar system – 8,000 to 10,000 sqft
  • 500 kW solar system – 40,000 to 50,000 sqft

The roof should ideally have an incline of 20° to 30° to allow optimal solar energy generation through the year. Flat roofs can use tilted racking structures. It’s best to get a solar site assessment done by an installer before proceeding.

Prefuel energy

What is the Solar Permitting Process for Bareilly?

To legally install a commercial solar system in Bareilly, you need to obtain a permit from the Bareilly Municipal Corporation. Here are the steps:

  • Submit system design details and application to the Corporation.
  • Pay the permit approval fees.
  • Corporation engineers will review the proposal and may inspect the site.
  • Once approved, you will receive the solar work permit within 30 days typically.
  • After system installation, the Corporation may inspect it before final sign off.

Prefuel Energy a reputable commercial solar installer in Bareilly usually handles the permitting process on your behalf. Choose a company familiar with Bareilly’s regulations to ensure smooth permit approvals.

How Soon Does Pay for Itself Commercial Solar in Bareilly?

For a well-designed system, a commercial solar installation can pay for itself within 4 to 7 years through electricity savings and earn a healthy return on investment of 15% to 25% over its 25+ year lifespan.

The payback period depends on factors like:

  • Solar system cost and sizing
  • The electricity tariff rate for your business category
  • Solar generation potential at your location
  • Financial incentives availed
  • Interest rates on solar financing

To estimate potential cost savings for your property, use our free Solar Savings Calculator. Most clients see their solar investment get paid back faster than expected.

What are Bareilly’s Solar Power Policies?

Bareilly has adopted a net metering policy whereby surplus solar power fed into the grid earns credits to offset your import bills. 1 kWh exported earns 1 kWh credit at the same retail tariff rate.

Under the Uttar Pradesh Solar Policy 2017, Bareilly businesses can also earn tradeable Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for generated solar units, providing added revenues.

There are no charges for grid interconnection of solar projects. Overall, the policies offer a favorable climate for commercial solar adoption in the city.

How Much Solar Can Your Business Consume with Net Metering in Bareilly?

Bareilly allows commercial consumers to install a solar system sized up to 50% of their sanctioned load. This limits the on-grid solar capacity for your facility.

For example, if your sanctioned business load is 100 kW, you can install up to a 50 kW solar system to take advantage of net metering benefits.

The surplus generation fed into the grid will earn credits to offset your imports from the utility as per net metering rules.

By matching solar system size to 50% of your sanctioned load, your business can nullify the maximum amount of grid power purchases through net metering.

Installing Solar for Your School in Bareilly

More and more schools in Bareilly are going solar to take advantage of reduced electricity bills and lower their carbon footprint. Installing rooftop solar panels allows schools to generate clean power onsite during the day when energy needs are highest.

School solar systems are sized between 10 to 200 kW typically based on available roof space and power load. Larger PV systems can cater to schools with hostels. Solar helps schools become self-reliant for their energy needs, while hedging against rising grid power costs for decades.

Some of the benefits of solar for schools in Bareilly include:

  • Lower electricity expenses mean more funds for facilities, supplies and programs.
  • Solar helps showcase your school’s commitment to clean energy.
  • Adds value to your school infrastructure.
  • Fixed solar power costs versus volatile grid tariffs.
  • Can power critical loads during outages.
  • Helps students learn about renewable technologies.

We recommend schools in Bareilly look at installing solar through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model. Under a PPA, you pay for the solar power generated while the developer owns, operates and maintains the system. This allows your school to go solar with zero upfront investment.

Commercial Solar for Factories & Industries in Bareilly

Bareilly has a thriving industrial belt with many factories and manufacturing units. There is tremendous potential for these businesses to deploy large-scale solar systems above 500 kW in capacity.

Commercial Solar Systems in Bareilly Cost?

The benefits of installing solar for your industry in Bareilly include:

  • Meet up to 50% of your energy demand through clean solar power.
  • Reduce peak power load charges by shifting load to solar during the day.
  • Solar works when grid supply is poor – no business interruption.
  • Usage of large open rooftops or vacant land for solar panels.
  • Claim accelerated depreciation and tax benefits on capital investments.
  • Gain positive PR for your company as a green manufacturer.
  • Fixed low cost of solar electricity to improve competitive edge.

We recommend an industrial solar capacity between 500 kW to 5 MW in general. Land-intensive units can also deploy MW-scale ground-mounted solar farms. Use solar to cut your factory’s carbon footprint and power costs.

Commercial Solar in Bareilly for Warehouses

Warehouses and cold storage facilities are excellent candidates for large rooftop solar systems above 500 kW. This is driven by:

  • Huge shadow-free rooftop areas on warehouse buildings to install panels.
  • Very high daytime energy usage for lighting, equipment and cold storage.
  • Lower occupancy allows solar alterations.
  • Heating and cooling costs can be optimized using solar heat pumps.

For a warehouse facility in Bareilly, installing a 1 MW solar system can meet 70% of your annual energy needs. This saves over Rs. 1 crore annually on operational costs.

Solar also powers ventilation, material handling and critical loads reliably during grid outages – important for inventory. Go solar to gain a competitive edge for your Bareilly warehouse.

Prefuel energy

Prefuel Energy Also Installs Commercial Solar For

In addition to the above, many other commercial and institutional facilities are ideal for solar in Bareilly:

  • Hotels and resorts: Solar meets hot water, air-conditioning and lighting loads.
  • Hospitals: Provide 24×7 power for critical healthcare needs.
  • Commercial buildings: Lower tenant electricity costs.
  • Colleges: Meet hostel and lab power requirements.
  • Retail stores: Power lighting, signage and AC sustainably.
  • Cold storages: Tackle high daytime electricity consumption.
  • Petrol Pumps: Illuminate canopies and power office loads.
  • Banquet halls: Reliably power events and functions.

For all such facilities, installing solar in Bareilly makes business sense, allowing you to take control over your energy costs while also enabling social responsibility.

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